Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Small Spaces

Well hello there dear friend! Several days of fast pace school and a computer-less family vacay have made for one very sad and neglected blog! So sorry about that.

Our first years of marriage have been spoiled with a spacious apartment and tons of closets. Fast forward two months from now and we will be working with half the amount of square footage, bedrooms, bathrooms, so some space saving interventions need to happen!!

These are some places I am looking for organizational ideas:

What tricks of the trade do you have to share?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hold the phone!

Yesterday when I was getting my hair done the hairstylist somehow talked me into putting feather exensions in my hair..... and I surprised myself, saying, "sure, why not?"

Who am I?

So as of yesterday I have three little feathers living in my hair.... Just call me Pocahontas.

Ignore the frizz.

You can look at some for yourself here

Also, get yourself to Target A to the SAP because apparently them and anthropologie had some mix-ups in the factory and I landed myself with the most delicious antique gold maxi dress as well as a fun summer romper onezie at an awesome price.


Get excited, Beantown Chroncs is getting a new look! Stay tuned.....
In the mean time, email me (annie.waldrum.moore@gmail.com) with things you would like to hear me write about, anything is welcome!
Also, how is this font working for you? Do you find it difficult to read? Please comment

Monday, May 16, 2011

Baby Bird Blue

This past weekend I was taking the pups out to the bathroom when Paisley pulled me behind a tree. I quickly realized what she was so interested in when amongst the pine straw I discovered a mama bird hunched over her nest. Even with this huge (in relations) cockapoo sitting over her, the mama did not even think of abandoning her fragile babes. I quickly pulled Paisley away from the sweet family and we went on our way.

Later that day we walked by that same tree, and I was interested to see if the mama and her nest were still nestled in the pine straw. As we turned the corner, all that was left was one egg, it had fallen from the original nest and was cracked. Realizing that it had been kicked from the nest (probably because it wasn't going to survive) I scooped it up. After examining the crack I realized that it had killed the baby bird, all of the fluid was gone and the remains were starting to smell.

I was ticked.

I don't know why I was so upset over this cracked egg, but I was sick of seeing broken eggs. It seems that all I have seen lately are babies with lethal birth defects and broken bodies. Seeing one more creature die, even if it was just a bird's egg, set me off.

So fast forward. Since finding that egg I have been more than determined. Every time I have taken the dogs out is like a real life easter egg hunt, searching for abandoned eggs. Well today the easter egg hunt was more than fruitful. After scouring the grounds of our apartment I found the perfect blue robins egg sitting in the pine straw, abandoned and chilled from the rain.

Realizing its chance for survival was slim, I quickly scooped it up and held it tightly in my hand. Not sure if I was feeling the pulse of my own fingers or the quickening of the baby bird, I worked hard to keep the egg warm while the pups finished up their walk.

Fast forward several hours, lots of research, and a homemade incubator later, and Baby Bird Blue is sweetly gestating in our dining room.

I don't know if Baby Bird Blue will hatch, and if he does, if he will ever make it to a fledgling.

But at least it's one less broken egg.

Homemade incubator includes window lid, light for heat, thermometer, homemade nest, and sponge for added humidity.

Pain, Suffering, and Glory Glory Glory

For the past several weeks I have been wrestling with the role of suffering and pain in our lives. I haven't been dealing with this on a personal level but recently have watched people I love struggle with abuse, addictions, death, natural disaster, cancer, divorce, loss, etc. and have been overwhelmed with how to bring truth and peace to these broken situations. I plan on delving deeper into this topic over the next week or so but for now I wanted to give you something to dwell on-

Peter, the apostle of hope shares,

"In this you rejoice [referring to salvation], though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith - more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire - may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ"

1 Peter 1:6-7

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hudson is home :)

For about 10 days Hudson has been out of town at a family wedding and then for work..... and now he is home sweet home! I wish I could say that I enjoyed some solo time, vegging out and doing my thang, but I did not..... I missed this kid so much.

While he was away for work in Phoenix, Hudson ventured across the state of Arizona in a rental Buick with my pink camera case to visit the Hoover Dam, where he got me this coffee mug :)

Pass me some cheese please....

If you haven't been to a vineyard and done some wine tasting with good friends and delicious cheeses, then I recommend that you do that asap! I think I ate my weight in brie and loved every. minute. of. it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Chair in progress.....woot woot!

So the comfy cozy corner chair is in order! I have BIG ideas for our apartment but we are also on a BIG budget, so where does that leave the comfy cozy corner chair you ask? Why on Craigslist of course. I have been perusing the interweb for a couple of days and stumbled upon the perfect tufted, neutral, cozy, grandmother chair for TWENTY-FIVE dollas (pronounced in Boston accent)! Spruce it up with a cute pillow, nice blanket, and it's just as great as the Urban Outfitters 600$ velvet fainting couch!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well hello there....

So sorry for leaving you hanging there for a few days! The past couple weeks have caught me way out of routine with our trip to Boston and then a week of intensive classes. Being a creature of habit, this has let the blog run to the wayside, not to say that I haven't been thinking about my readers! (is it too soon to call you that?)

Several times this week I have had post ideas that I have meant to jot down and write about, but it seems a little overwhelming to tackle all of them right this second. So...... I am just going to give you a peak at what I have been thinking about:

1. Decorating our new place! The furniture that we currently have is not all going to fit into our new apartment, and there are a couple things that we are going to need to make the place work. Making furniture fit around radiators and maximizing our storage space will make for a new challenge. I stumbled upon this blog, Small Space Style, that looks at some creative decorating and space saving ideas.

Also, instead of having a dining room we are going to have a library/study/sitting room, and I have already found the perfect reading corner to curl up in.....so of course I need the perfect chair! Is it weird that I am looking at this velvet fainting sofa? (sorry for the tiny pic)

Picture it, dogs in lap, yummy blanket, morning coffee, good book.... just dreamy

2. To Do!!
This is my list. I made it to give me a good idea of what needs to be done between now and August, but honestly I have a small anxiety attack whenever I look at it.

3. Let's get organized. It's time to purge! I have the itch that comes only a couple times a year. Maybe it's because we will be making a new nest in a couple months but I am ready to buy some intense containers and invest in a label maker.

What are you up to?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do-Dad Give Away

If you like things like this....


or this...

Then head over here for my favorite blog's giveaway!

busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.................

This week is cra-zay. I was on campus from 7 am until 9:30 pm so I don't have much to share, unless you want to hear about the exciting research I am doing on the following topics:

1. Natural Family Planning
2. Lesbian Healthcare
3. Prenatal Depression and its cause of preterm deliveries
4. Pregnant Adolescents and birth control

After learning about all of that I came home, snuggled with these nuggets

Kissed this man

And hit the hay!

What random things are you doing this week?

Monday, May 2, 2011

A thought

I have been wanting to write a post in response to last week's devastation left by the tornados but honestly haven't been all too sure of what to say. Many times I typed words on a page, hoping that I would have the perfect thought to reconcile what devastated so many, but that thought never came.

Instead all I know is this
God is sovereign and that He is merciful and just!
But....... I also know that my heart cries "why"?

Why destruction?
Why fear?
Why suffering?
Why death?
Why brokenness?

Maybe it's not for me to answer "why," but to know that God does. Maybe it's not for me to find peace but to have peace in finding that He is sovereign. For today, I will rest in His promises and not why.

How do you respond to the "why" question?