Before sharing all of the details of last night's double date..... I have a confession to make....
I am a Duggar-Lover, Yes, the show 19 Kids and Counting, I am ALL about it! Hudson and his family gave me their first book for Christmas The Duggars: 20 and Counting! and I would highly recommend it for anyone who is married, raising children, seeking financial freedom, or interested in homeschooling. When I share this I usually get a couple of comments, so I thought I would go ahead and preface with the following.
Don't you think she has too many kids?
Michelle and Jim Bob have a LOT of kids! No doubt about it people. She is one fertile Mertle and God has blessed them with many a mouth to feed. BUT, who is to say how much is too much and how little is too few? Would you ever approach a woman with no children or one child and tell her she doesn't have enough? Hopefully not! Likewise, would you ever approach a large family and tell them that some of their children aren't supposed to be here, or shouldn't be here, or that they are too much.
Sadly our culture sees children as a cost, a burden, and sometimes an inconvenience, but God sees children as a blessing. Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Sometime people's decisions don't make a lot of sense to the outer world.
"God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
Okay, stepping off of the soap box.
Why do you like them so much?
If the Lord blesses us with kidos one day, I have often thought about how we would raise them and educate them. Rearing babes that love the Lord and live to bring Him glory.
I want to teach a daughter to realize her worth and beauty not by how the world sees beauty but as a daughter of the King. I want to raise a son to be a humble leader equipping him to be a man of God. I want our family no matter how small or big to sing the Gospel in all that we do and realize our deep deep need for Jesus. The Duggars are an excellent example of how the Gospel permeates every area of their life. If you can get past how grand a number they are, you can learn a lot from how they live, how they spend their money, how they make decisions, how they nurture their marriage, and make special time for each child.
So anyways, we went to the local Barnes & Noble bought their new book, A Love that Multiplies, and then got it signed by all of the Duggars :)
Check out their website for some great family resources:
Oh silly Josiah. Michelle was so sweet and took the time to talk to me about homeschooling and family conferences.
Talking to Michelle about homeschooling and character building
Talking to Jim Bob about Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Series
Beautiful lovely baby-catching friend Emily sharing in my excitement
Summer night at Bobbie's Dairy Dip.... perfect date night with sweet friends