*This post was meant for yesterday but I had a little trouble with the internet, so here you go!
Confession: I am a homebody, an intro-vert, and a nest-er, and the lack of “nest” over the past couple of weeks has definitely ruffled my feathers. I am itching to create a home out of our little apartment, to have a place for all of our things and things for our place. Soooo…. I am very excited that today is TODAY!! Our nomad-vagabond-ness officially ends today! Our moving truck is supposed to arrive in the next few hours (Lord willing) with all of our belongings in tow and I. CAN’T. WAIT. They were supposed to get here on Wednesday, when we arrived, but after we had already begun our cross country adventure, we learned that they had been delayed….. until Sunday. Sooooo, that left Hudson, Bear, Paisley, and me rocking out with an aerobed, in an empty apartment, in a city we do not yet know. The past few days have been filled with lots of walking around Cambridge, getting to know the people and places that we will now call home. I have been pleasantly surprised at the kindness people have shown to us. They don’t welcome with the voice inflection and the inviting smile that is so familiar in the south, but they are genuinely kind and helpful. More on that later, for now stay tuned as our house becomes a home!
Below our some pictures to accompany the last post.
Ruthie and Tots came to graduation with bells and whistles on

My very supportive and beautiful parents

The man who got me to pinning!
Just throwing down a little sequence in our empty apartment before graduation- not sure why dad has sunglasses on?
Hudson's dad got some cookie cake to celebrate the festivities
Cousins and sibs! - Robert and Kim had us over for a delicious cookout!
Ruthie got this delicious and beautiful cake! Notice any similarities with the header?



Adrienne ordered sweet rolls for dinner, she was really hungry. Just kidding, they were for everyone :)

Hudson's love language = presents
My last pedicure for a while.... yellow, really?
Celebrating Hudson's birthday with my family, surprised with chocolate cake.

DB and Me, throwing down some BBQ
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